Home: New Writing in the news


Home: New Writing edited by Thom Conroy was launched at Unity Books Wellington on Thursday 13 July. This collection features essays from twenty-two of New Zealand's best writers. See some of the media coverage for the book below. 

Standing Room Only — Homesick blues: new writings about where we live. Lynn Freeman talks to editor Thom Conroy and essayist Sarah Jane Barnett on their interpretations of what home means to them. Listen to the full RNZ interview here.

Nine to Noon — Louise O'Brien reviews Home : New Writing. Listen to the full interview here

The Pantograph Punch — Sarah Jane Barnett writes about womanhood, grief, and how running allows her to feel at home in her body. Read Sarah's full essay from Home: New Writing here.

Volume  Read Stella's book review of Home: New Writing here.

Unity Books Afterglow — See images from the launch of Home: New Writing that was held at Unity Books Wellington here

Booksellers NZ Blog — ‘... this collection is exceptionally good ... fun to read, relevant, compassionate and frequently sharp’ — read the full review by Annaleese Jochems here.