Massey Press authors appearing at the Auckland Writers Festival


We are thrilled to announce that four Massey University Press authors will be appearing at the Auckland Writers Festival, taking place from 15–20 May 2018 at the Aotea Centre.

Pip Desmond will be discussing her book Song for Rosaleen with bookseller Carole Beu. Pip’s memoir details the process of her family coming to grips with her mother Rosaleen’s dementia. As life expectancy increases, dementia will become one of our greatest challenges. Who are we without memory? And how do we care for those who lose it? Friday 18 May, 1–2pm.

Peter Wells talks to David Herkt about his memoir Dear Oliver: Uncovering a Pākehā history. In it Peter examines his family’s history and constructs a novel and striking way to view the history of Pākehā New Zealanders. Friday 18 May, 11.30–12.30pm.

Two contributors to The Journal of Urgent Writing 2017 will be appearing at separate events:

Giselle Byrnes puts the case for a tertiary-qualified workforce as part of the Speakers’ Corner series. Saturday 19 May, 12–12.30pm (free event).

Emma Espiner joins a panel discussion (alongside Tusiata Avia, Alice Canton and Linda Olsson) to mark the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand. Saturday 19 May, 2.30–3.30pm (free event).

For more information, see Tickets can be purchased from Ticketmaster.