Kids Books NZ reviews Skinny Dip


‘One of the (many) joys of reviewing, is never knowing just what treasure lies waiting inside the courier package. These treasures are sometimes ones you would never have thought to go hunting for, so it was a true delight to receiveSkinny Dip, an anthology of poems published by Annual Ink, edited by Susan Paris and Kate De Goldi. 

‘Putting a poet’s observational eye on the school year, it delivers a wonderful collection of observations and recollections that will resonate with anyone who has been to school, experienced the pain of PE class, grumbled over homework or uniforms, meandered home with a friend, or drifted off in a boring class. 

‘Ranging across the various styles of poetry are themes close to tween and teen hearts as they navigate their way through the minefield of school work, friendships, and growing up; themes that stir even the *slightly* older of us who can still remember way back to our high school years. Food also features in several poems and is the topic of James Brown’s Lunch Experiment and Victor Rodger’s Sole to Sole, which will have you smiling in recognition of a scene played out in many high schools at lunchtime.’

Read the full review here.