Eye of the Fish reviews Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide


John Walsh and Patrick Reynold’s latest book in the architecture series Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide has been reviewed on Eye of the Fish.

Hello again, and welcome back to the Eye of the Fish. I had quite a bit of work to do, and then I needed a holiday. And what did I do on holiday? Well, I read books, of course! Yes, I am one of those old-school types that still prefers a written book to an online presence, and so I’ve been really pleased recently to see the publication of Wellington Architecture: A Walking Guide, a new guide book to the architecture of the capital. It’s great! I love it! And I’ve read every word and looked at every picture, from cover to cover.

There have been guide books on Wellington Architecture before of course, primarily two books by David Kernohan, with one called Old Wellington and the other called New Wellington, if I remember correctly. Both have been out of print for well over a decade, and for some reason were not reprinted, so this new book is a welcome replacement. In fact, with photos by Patrick Reynolds, and words by John Walsh, I’d say this book is an improvement. Reynolds is a master at the art of architectural photography, and the pictures in the book look beautiful. Print quality is also high, with full colour glossy images, and of course with Walsh’s acerbic wit coming through at times, the text is thoroughly enjoyable too.

Read the full review here.