HomeGround author Simon Wilson talks to Kathryn Ryan on Nine to Noon


‘HomeGround opened earlier this year and it is the new home of the Auckland City Mission in Hobson Street in the central city.

It was the dream of a former City Missioner, Dame Diane Robertson to have a purpose built facility as a wrap around social services complex and a place for Auckland's most vulnerable.

Multiple stakeholders, donations, philanthropy and government funding has resulted in the 110 million dollar multi purpose building.

It includes 80 permanent apartments with 24/7 wraparound support, a health centre for up to 3,000 people, public showers and toilets and a social and medical detox unit with 30 beds.

Urban and social issues writer Simon Wilson's new book HomeGround and tells the story of the new building, all it contains and the people who it serves.’

Listen to the interview with Simon Wilson here.