Proof reviewed on The Maker’s Story


The Maker’s Story has reviewed Proof: Two decades of printmaking:

‘The days of being able to give a definitive explanation of what printmaking is have gone,’ says Kathy Boyle, chair of Print Council Aotearoa NZ (PCANZ).

While particular fields of printmaking can still be described by a specific technique — such as mezzotint, etching or woodcut — Kathy says the field has expanded hugely in the past decades. 

‘Especially with the impact of digital media,’ she says. ‘While printmakers have always embraced new technologies, they recognise that technique alone cannot describe content and argue for their work to be considered alongside its visual art counterparts. This does not mean a loss of tradition, but it has impacted on some conventions such as the “edition”. More and more artists are making hybrid prints — prints that call upon a range of materials and tools in order to explore contemporary ideas.’

Read the full story here.