Kete Books reviews Life in the Shallows


Life in the Shallows is one of those immensely rewarding books where almost every page turns up a fascinating fact. For me that can all too often lead to lost time happily ferreting away on book shelves or laptop to learn still more on a particular subject.

‘In this way, it has taken m much longer than it should to make my way through Shallows, dedicated to the wetlands of Aotearoa. Which is a disservice to what is an eminently readable book, handily laid out with fact boxes, diagrams, tables and lush photos that make it a delight to spend time with.

‘Authors Karen Denyer, an ecological consultant of 20 years, and Monica Peters, co-chair of the Citizen Science Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, are well aware of the need to make the subject accessible and they skillfully blend together just enough crunchy, hard science fact to ensure it is an enjoyable experience of widening your knowledge, with conversational writing and a light tone of deprecating Kiwi humour.’

Read more at Kete Books here.

A te reo Maori version is also available here.