New Zealand Arts Review of Soundings


‘It seems that it is only in the last fifty years that we have taken a new approach to  the ocean and our fisheries. Only a few years ago the seas were regarded as the source of endless bounty but now  we realise that there needs to be more careful management and in many cases, preservation of our  fisheries and endangered species.

‘This move to understanding the blue planet has been championed by individuals such as  Sir David Attenborough but there are also many New  Zealanders such as Kennedy Warne who are bringing a new understanding to the oceans both here and internationally.

‘Warne is probably best known in New Zealand as the co-founder and editor of NZ Geographic magazine for which he has written for over thirty years.

‘Internationally he is widely known for his work for National Geographic having been commissioned to write articles about his experiences diving in locations all around the world.

‘In his new book “Soundings” he revisits his journeys and assignments internationally and locally linking these adventures to his own life in a family which has had strong links to the sea for many generations. With all these encounters he also connects with the social, political, economic and environmental issues around the sea and it’s populations.’

Read the full review by John Daly-Peoples at New Zealand Arts Review here.