John Daly-Peoples reviews A Kind of Shelter


A Kind of Shelter Whakaruru-taha: An anthology of new writing for a changed world, edited by Witi Ihimaera and Michelle Elvy, has been reviewed for the New Zealand Arts Review by John Daly-Peoples.

In A Kind of Shelter Whakaruru-taha Witi Ihimaera and Michelle Elvy have brought together sixty-eight writers and eight visual artists, imagining them at a grand discussion group or hui where they share ideas about the future. 

While the editors aim was to create a political and social framework which would engage with developing ideas about our future, the book is more of an eclectic set of voices who are variously thoughtful, focused, uncertain and tentative in their contemplation of the future.

The various writings range from the intimate to the didactic, addressing the issues around past, present and future as the explore history, notions of indigeneity, climate change as well as social and political change. They all offer insights and guides to life which entertain, educate and inspire.’

Read John’s review in full here.