Ziggle! reviewed on NZ Booklovers


Ziggle! The Len Lye activity book by Rebecca Fawkner has been reviewed on NZ Booklovers:

‘There are hours of creative fun to be had, for children and their whanau, as they work their way through the activities in Ziggle! The Len Lye art activity book and learn about his fascinating life.

New Zealand-born Len Lye, who spent most of his life abroad, achieved worldwide fame as a pioneer of experimental films and kinetic sculptures. His practice also included painting and numerous other media. And he was a wordsmith who loved playing with words. If he couldn’t find the perfect word, he’d make one up, like Ziggle!

Rebecca Fawkner, the author of Ziggle! The Len Lye art activity book is a teacher. She has worked at the Len Lye Centre in the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in New Plymouth for two decades, introducing children of all ages to Len Lye’s artworks.

Children who have not yet had the opportunity to attend one of her workshops or seen some of Len Lye’s artworks in the Len Lye Centre can find many reproductions of his artworks in this activity book and watch his experimental movies online at ngataonga.org.nz.

Creating activities for children to match the many facets of Len Lye’s art must have been incredibly challenging. But I think Rebecca Fawkner has brilliantly succeeded in weaving together the story of Len Lye’s life with 65 art activities. Many of these activities are ones which have already proved to be ‘top hits’ with her classes and include machine dancing, taking shadow selfies, making wiggly water patterns and rubber band music.’

Read the full review here.​