Ziggle! reviewed on the Poetry Box


Len Lye (1901 – 1980) was an artist who loved making paintings, movies, sculptures, photographs without a camera, poems. He loved EXPERIMENTING and IMAGINING and WONDERING!

Rebecca Fawkner is a teacher who has worked at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in Ngāmotu New Plymouth for twenty years. She has inspired children to unplug their imaginations through Len’s wide roaming art. And now some of her creative imagination buttons are brought together in a fabulous art activity book.

I haven’t yet been to the Len Lye Centre in Ngāmotu New Plymouth but I have seen and adored his work at the Govett-Brewster.

Rebecca’s book is jam packed with fascinating treats. You get to find out more about Len Lye the artist, from boy to adulthood! He loved drawing and creating from when he was young. He lived in a lighthouse with his younger brother, mum and stepdad and was a free range kid with a special interest in lighthouse beams.

Important fact: Len Lye loved using his senses and he believed art was EVERYWHERE!

The book includes 65 ways – inspired by Len Lye – to be an artist. It is full of biographical information, ideas about art. There is a time line. There is room on every page for you to do your own thing so it is like a scrapbook of YOU!

Read the review here